Monthly Archives: April 2019

Exadata Cloud at Customer : Automate CDB lifecycle with REST APIs in PL/SQL – Part 1

(Photo by Michael Fertig, on Unsplash)

Exadata Cloud at Customer offers a very convenient method to manage your Oracle Database Exadata Cloud Services : REST APIs \o/

I am currently working on a PL/SQL package to interact with Exadata instances, from a central administrative database. Let’s see, step by step, what are the prerequisite to achieve this goal. (Note : I am currently learning PL/SQL, and I use Trivadis PL/SQL Cop, especially the very useful plugin for SQL Developer.)

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Exadata Cloud at Customer : Grid Infrastructure patch under the hood

(Photo by Junaid Ur Rehman Jamil Ahmed, on Unsplash)

Following up with this blog post, here is a quick overview of what is performed on Exadata Cloud at Customer nodes when a Grid Infrastructure patching is launched via the web interface, the Oracle Cloud control plane.

The whole patch process is not that different from the precheck process. Most of the steps are similar, and of course, the main difference is that the Opatch command actually … patches the Grid Infrastructure 😉

Let’s launch the patching process with a simple click on the Oracle Cloud control plane (sorry for the Fren-Glish screenshots …) :

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